Monday, August 25, 2008

Lil' Guy's Got an Eye!

Irish music alive and well in Japan!  Befriended this lil' dude and gave him my camera to take the pics of my friends -  he took the photos below.  The looks on faces when these little guys take the shots is pretty great.  He was HILARIOUS - waving people over to the side (No more THAT way) and really carefully lining up his shots - what a character.  We went to a training here along with volunteer Koko (high school) Japanese students - they were extremely polite and a couple of them wanted to talk politics - I'm talking smart here!  


Anonymous said...

Hi Shawn -
I was checking my school e-mail (I know, kind of sad, but I still want to know what's going on at The View during my leave) and saw your blog for the first time - very cool! For this home-bound mom the internet is a wonderful thing. Keep it up!
Emily B.

The Seeleys said...

Wow! Great pictures and stories! Thanks for sharing! What an amazing adventure you are on!

Mike said...

McGinn! Its Mike Anderson. You are on my Google Reader so I can keep up on your Japanese adventure.

Darren has cleaned up the whole band room and painted it pink. He got rid of all of the wind instruments and turned everyone into a percussionist. It is like one big STOMP CLUB.

Ryan Adams said...

Hey buddy,

Z just gave me your link. Awesome pics and it sounds amazing! I am just a little jealous. I tried moving away for a year and it sucked.

Enjoy every moment bro and I can't wait to see and hear more.
